“Talking to Your Family about End-of-Life Care”


Talking about end-of-life care can be difficult. A sudden diagnosis, age of a patient, family dynamics, and fear of death are a few of the many reasons we often want to avoid the conversation.

Solace is available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you might have before initiating a hospice conversation. We want to be a resource to our community and help erase the stigma that often can be associated with the word “hospice.”

Call and speak with one of our team members about your loved one today at (636) 220-4050, or stop by our office and talk to us in person.

Our office is located at:
2300 Technology Drive
O’Fallon, MO 63368

Discussion about Hospice

First, things to consider:

  • What family members need to be involved?
  • Do we understand the hospice benefit and what it provides?
  • Does the patient have a Healthcare/Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA)
  • Does the patient have a living will?
  • Does the patient have an advance directive?

Things to focus the conversation on:

  • Quality of life, pain control, and symptom management
  • Professional care for your loved one in their home
  • The patient’s goals, wishes, and choices for their life
  • You are not giving up on your loved one, you are shifting from the idea of treating the disease, to treating the symptoms of the disease.
  • Hospice provides resources and education that can help everyone transition through the end-of-life journey.
  • Studies have shown that hospice care for certain illnesses may actually extend life by one to two months. Aggressive pain and symptom management are contributing factors in improving quality AND sometimes even QUANTITY of life. HOSPICE STUDY
  • Hospice is an elective service, and anyone may discontinue (revoke) services at any time. Patients and families are in control and have the right to instead pursue aggressive curative treatment.